Artist Geoffrey Key Official Website

Artist Geoffrey Key official website


British Painter & Sculptor

NEW Isolated Heads Book

A series of oil paintings by Geoffrey Key

Written by Nick Brown OBE FRSA

Isolated Heads by Geoffrey Key


Isolated Head: Ten

Original Oil Painting on Board

Painting size 20" - 24"


Isolated Head: Twenty eight

Original Oil Painting on Board

Painting size 16" - 24"

Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Signed by Geoffrey Key

Between March and June 2020 Geoffrey Key painted an extraordinary series of thirty heads while self-isolating.

The Isolated Heads book looks back over Geoffrey's life as an artist and examine how he developed the highly individual style that enabled him to paint this remarkable record of the emotional effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Over a period of fourteen weeks beginning in March 2020, and in self isolation, Geoffrey Key painted thirty pictures of the heads and faces of individuals similarly incarcerated: an astonishing and sustained burst of creativity.

These thirty faces, dislocated from their normal lives, stripped of pretence and artifice are caught in a private moment. What we see is their basic emotional response to their changed circumstances. In these paintings of great freshness and honesty we are looking at thirty individual souls stripped bare.

Over the ensuing long months, with the exception of the weekly food delivery to his door Geoff saw no other human face in the flesh. When asked about the effects of this on his mental state, Geoffrey Key replied,

“There was only my art left; the heads kept me sane.”

Contact with the outside world would only be through the medium of the spoken word via a telephone landline. Geoffrey’s art stemmed from his maxim that everything flows from something seen that can then be re-imagined into art.

The first edition of 500 hundred signed copies will be available from late November.

Thirty heads painted in solitude

Now available from all official galleries

> Click here for details

Isolated, no face to face.

Contact only by the spoken word.

My world is peopled from my mind’s eye.

Each face & head a memory.

A subconscious contact.

Company gained from an isolated head.

Poem by Geoffrey Key

The Heads engaging in each others’ company in the only place in which they are gathered together. They are now dispersed.
I spent a morning with the whole collection as company. It was a magical experience.
Nick Brown.